I got this table off the free section on craigslist. It was not very pretty.
At first I was going to sand it down and totally revamp it.
After a few strokes of standing I realized never EVER sand black paint. It was all over me and made the worst mess! Not worth the hassle.
So when I left it sit a few days. When I was at walmart I saw the chalkboard paint and picked up a $1 can of black spray paint. I spray painted the legs and used one coat of the chalkboard paint and it tuurned out perfect! My kids love it!
When our son was a toddler...we painted the bottom half of his walls w/ this paint, put up a border above it and then painted the top half of the walls. We installed a little basket on the wall to put his chalk & eraser in. It was a big hit w/ our son and all of the kids in the family! Great share!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea!! I bet that adorable so cute little boy just loves his chalk table! :)